Lesson 9: Constructor Functions

Constructor functions in JavaScript are special functions that allow you to create a factory function that can create many objects of the same type through code reuse. For Object Oriented programmers, constructor functions are a familiar concepts. The code for this lesson is here:  Constructor Functions

Lesson 8: JavaScript Functions

JavaScript functions are what gives Javascript its power. With JavaScript functions, you can break down your code into small modules which, helps with readability, debuggability and reusability of code. JavaScript functions double up as objects as well. Here is the code file for this sample: 50-functions.js      

Lesson 7: Assignment 1 – Etch-a-Sketch and CScript

Hello and Happy New Year! I am back in the new year with the first blog entry that will exercise your mind and give you some hands on experience as you progress through it. Reading input using node.js is not straightforward, and hence, in this assignment, I am having you guys use this tool called […]